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glab: View and filter the open issues of the current repository.
$ glab issue list
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The command "glab issue list" is used in GitLab to display a list of issues in a project.

  • "glab" refers to the GitLab command-line tool, which provides a simplified way to interact with GitLab from the command line.

  • "issue" refers to the type of object being listed, which represents a specific task, bug, or feature request within a project.

  • "list" is the action being performed, indicating that we want to retrieve a list of issues.

When you run the "glab issue list" command, it communicates with the GitLab server and retrieves a list of issues associated with the current project. This list typically includes details such as the issue's ID, title, assignees, due dates, labels, status, and creation/update timestamps. It allows you to quickly get an overview of the issues in the project, making it easier to track and manage them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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