The command "glab mr checkout ${pr_number}" refers to the usage of the "glab" command-line tool to check out a merge request (MR) associated with a specific PR (pull request) number.
Here is the breakdown of the command:
"glab": This is likely the name or alias of the command-line tool being used. It stands for "GitLab CLI" and provides a way to interact with GitLab repositories via the command line.
"mr": It indicates that the command relates to a merge request.
"checkout": This is the specific action or command being performed, which in this case is checking out a merge request.
"${pr_number}": It represents a placeholder variable that needs to be replaced with an actual PR number. It is expected that you would replace "${pr_number}" with the actual number of the pull request you want to check out.
By running this command with a valid PR number, the "glab" CLI tool will perform the necessary actions to check out the specified merge request, allowing you to review and work on the changes proposed in the pull request.