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gml2gv: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
$ cat ${input-gml} | gml2gv > ${output-gv}
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This command is a shell command that performs a specific task using a combination of multiple tools.

Let's break it down:

  1. cat ${input-gml}: This command uses the cat tool to output the content of a file specified by the ${input-gml} variable. The ${input-gml} variable is likely defined elsewhere in the script or environment, and it represents the input file in the GML format.

  2. |: This is the pipe symbol, which is used to redirect the standard output of the previous command to the standard input of the next command.

  3. gml2gv: This is another tool/command that takes input in the GML format and converts it to a Graphviz DOT file format. This command takes the output from the previous cat command as input.

  4. >: This is the output redirection operator. It redirects the output of the preceding command to a file specified by the ${output-gv} variable. The ${output-gv} variable is likely defined elsewhere, and it represents the output file in the Graphviz DOT format.

In summary, this command reads the content of a GML file specified by ${input-gml}, converts it to the Graphviz DOT format using the gml2gv tool, and saves the result to a file specified by ${output-gv}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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