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gnatmake: [f]orce recompilation.
$ gnatmake -f ${source_file-adb}
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The command gnatmake -f ${source_file-adb} is used to compile an Ada source file (.adb) and generate an executable.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • gnatmake: This is the command used to compile Ada programs. It is part of the GNAT (GNU Ada Compiler) toolset.
  • -f: This option specifies that we want to force the compilation of the specified source file, even if it has already been compiled before.
  • ${source_file-adb}: This is a variable placeholder that should be replaced with the actual name of the Ada source file (with the .adb extension). For example, if the source file is named "hello.adb", the command would be gnatmake -f hello.adb.

When you run this command, the GNAT compiler will analyze the source file, check for any errors or warnings, and if everything is correct, it will generate an executable file that can be run on the target platform.

Note: The ${source_file-adb} syntax used here is specific to some command-line interfaces or build systems where variables can be passed. In a real command, you would replace ${source_file-adb} with the actual file name, like hello.adb.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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