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go-clean: Delete all cached test results.
$ go clean -testcache
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The command "go clean -testcache" is used in Go programming language.

The "go clean" command is used to remove object files and cached files generated by the Go build system. It helps to clean up the workspace and frees up the system's disk space.

The "-testcache" flag is used to remove test cache files. When running tests in Go, the test files and their associated test binaries are cached to improve subsequent test execution time. The "-testcache" flag allows you to clean up the cache specifically for tests.

So, when you run "go clean -testcache", it removes the cached test files and binaries from the test cache, which can help in scenarios where you want to execute the tests afresh and do not require the previously cached test results or binaries.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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