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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool go. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Go is a statically typed and compiled programming language that was developed at Google in 2007. It was designed to be efficient, reliable, and easy to use. One of the key strengths of Go is its simplicity and readability, achieved by having a minimalistic syntax and a small standard library.

Go is commonly used for system programming, networking, web development, and building concurrent applications. It provides built-in support for concurrent programming through goroutines and channels, making it easier to write efficient and scalable programs.

The Go command line tool is an essential component of the Go programming language. It provides various commands to build, test, and manage Go programs. Some of the main features of the Go command line tool include:

  1. Building: It allows you to compile Go programs into executable binaries. You can specify various build options, such as output file name, target architecture, and optimization flags.

  2. Testing: It provides a convenient way to run unit tests for Go programs. By following certain conventions, you can easily write test functions and use the "go test" command to execute them.

  3. Dependency management: The Go command line tool has built-in support for managing dependencies. The "go get" command enables you to download and install external packages from the Go module repository.

  4. Formatting: It includes a command called "go fmt" that automatically formats Go source code according to a standardized style. This ensures consistent and readable code across different projects.

  5. Documentation: Go encourages good documentation practices, and the Go command line tool provides utilities to generate code documentation using the "go doc" command. It extracts package and function information from source code comments.

Overall, the Go command line tool simplifies the development and management of Go programs, providing a robust and efficient workflow for programmers.

List of commands for go:

  • go-bug:tldr:0a6ef go-bug: Open a web page to start a bug report.
    $ go bug
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  • go-build:tldr:2feec go-build: Compile a 'package main' file (output will be the filename without extension).
    $ go build ${path-to-main-go}
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  • go-build:tldr:f62b7 go-build: Compile, specifying the output filename.
    $ go build -o ${path-to-binary} ${path-to-source-go}
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  • go-build:tldr:fe1db go-build: Compile a main package into an executable, enabling data race detection.
    $ go build -race -o ${path-to-executable} ${path-to-main-package}
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  • go-clean:tldr:67267 go-clean: Delete all cached test results.
    $ go clean -testcache
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  • go-clean:tldr:73dab go-clean: Delete the build cache.
    $ go clean -cache
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  • go-clean:tldr:9191a go-clean: Delete the module cache.
    $ go clean -modcache
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  • go-clean:tldr:d7b1b go-clean: Print the remove commands instead of actually removing anything.
    $ go clean -n
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  • go-doc:tldr:606ca go-doc: Show package documentation and exported symbols.
    $ go doc ${encoding-json}
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  • go-doc:tldr:97daf go-doc: Show documentation for the current package.
    $ go doc
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  • go-doc:tldr:cdbe0 go-doc: Show also sources.
    $ go doc -all -src ${encoding-json}
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  • go-doc:tldr:f6566 go-doc: Show also documentation of symbols.
    $ go doc -all ${encoding-json}
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  • go-env:tldr:27177 go-env: Show all environment variables.
    $ go env
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  • go-env:tldr:42213 go-env: Reset an environment variable's value.
    $ go env -u ${GOBIN}
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  • go-env:tldr:5d848 go-env: Set an environment variable to a value.
    $ go env -w ${GOBIN}=${path-to-directory}
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  • go-env:tldr:a88e1 go-env: Show a specific environment variable.
    $ go env ${GOPATH}
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  • go-fix:tldr:932e1 go-fix: Update packages to use new APIs.
    $ go fix ${packages}
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  • go-fmt:tldr:67f62 go-fmt: Print which format commands are run as they are run.
    $ go fmt -x
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  • go-fmt:tldr:75e66 go-fmt: Format a specific Go package in your import path (`$GOPATH/src`).
    $ go fmt ${path-to-package}
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  • go-fmt:tldr:81b42 go-fmt: Print what format commands would've been run, without modifying anything.
    $ go fmt -n
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  • go-fmt:tldr:9c885 go-fmt: Format Go source files in the current directory.
    $ go fmt
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  • go-generate:tldr:464a5 go-generate: Generate Go files by running commands within source files.
    $ go generate
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  • go-get:tldr:43580 go-get: Modify the package with a given version in module-aware mode.
    $ go get ${example-com-pkg}@${v1-2-3}
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  • go-get:tldr:74c0d go-get: Add a specified package to `go.mod` in module-mode or install the package in GOPATH-mode.
    $ go get ${example-com-pkg}
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  • go-install:tldr:75cdc go-install: Compile and install the current package.
    $ go install
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  • go-install:tldr:b2056 go-install: Compile and install a specific local package.
    $ go install ${path-to-package}
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  • go-install:tldr:bf66a go-install: Install the latest version of a program, ignoring `go.mod` in the current directory.
    $ go install ${golang-org-x-tools-gopls}@${latest}
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  • go-list:tldr:515cc go-list: List packages in JSON format.
    $ go list -json time net/http
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  • go-list:tldr:72584 go-list: List standard packages.
    $ go list std
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  • go-list:tldr:a3cc8 go-list: List module dependencies and available updates.
    $ go list -m -u all
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  • go-list:tldr:f95e7 go-list: List packages.
    $ go list ./...
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  • go-mod:tldr:81345 go-mod: Download modules to local cache.
    $ go mod download
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  • go-mod:tldr:92404 go-mod: Add missing and remove unused modules.
    $ go mod tidy
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  • go-mod:tldr:ab3b9 go-mod: Copy sources of all dependencies into the vendor directory.
    $ go mod vendor
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  • go-mod:tldr:c6b84 go-mod: Initialize new module in current directory.
    $ go mod init ${moduleName}
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  • go-mod:tldr:c810b go-mod: Verify dependencies have expected content.
    $ go mod verify
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  • go-run:tldr:71f42 go-run: Run a Go file.
    $ go run ${filename-go}
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  • go-test:tldr:63cc8 go-test: [v]erbosely test the package in the current directory.
    $ go test -v
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  • go-test:tldr:95c27 go-test: Test the package found in the current directory.
    $ go test
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  • go-test:tldr:b4e46 go-test: Test the packages in the current directory and all subdirectories (note the `...`).
    $ go test -v ./...
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  • go-test:tldr:b806b go-test: Test the package in the current directory and run all benchmarks for 50 seconds.
    $ go test -v -bench . -benchtime ${50s}
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  • go-test:tldr:bd5f1 go-test: Test the package with coverage analysis.
    $ go test -cover
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  • go-test:tldr:c2130 go-test: Test the package in the current directory and run all benchmarks.
    $ go test -v -bench .
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  • go-tool:tldr:1c2eb go-tool: List available tools.
    $ go tool
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  • go-tool:tldr:4e314 go-tool: Run the go link tool.
    $ go tool link ${path-to-main-o}
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  • go-tool:tldr:db62b go-tool: Display documentation for a specified tool.
    $ go tool ${command} --help
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  • go-tool:tldr:f4c49 go-tool: Print the command that would be executed, but do not execute it (similar to `whereis`).
    $ go tool -n ${command} ${arguments}
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  • go-version:tldr:63dc4 go-version: Print the Go version used to build the named executable file.
    $ go version ${path-to-executable}
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  • go-version:tldr:fc0ef go-version: Print Go version.
    $ go version
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  • go-vet:tldr:35808 go-vet: Display offending lines plus N lines of surrounding context.
    $ go vet -c=${N}
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  • go-vet:tldr:48d2d go-vet: View details and flags for a particular check.
    $ go tool vet help ${check_name}
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  • go-vet:tldr:59972 go-vet: List available checks that can be run with go vet.
    $ go tool vet help
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  • go-vet:tldr:606b7 go-vet: Check the Go package in the current directory.
    $ go vet
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  • go-vet:tldr:9fe8a go-vet: Check the Go package in the specified path.
    $ go vet ${filename_or_directory}
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  • go-vet:tldr:cbab8 go-vet: Output analysis and errors in JSON format.
    $ go vet -json
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  • go:tldr:a7f28 go: Compile a source file into a named executable.
    $ go build -o ${executable} ${file}.go
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  • go:tldr:cec36 go: Compile the package present in the current directory.
    $ go build
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  • go:tldr:d3219 go: Compile and run a source file (it has to contain a `main` package).
    $ go run ${file}.go
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tool overview