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go-clean: Delete the module cache.
$ go clean -modcache
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The command "go clean -modcache" is used in the Go programming language to clean the module cache, which is a storage location for downloaded module versions.

In Go, modules are used to manage dependencies, allowing developers to include external libraries or packages in their projects. When a module is downloaded for the first time, it is stored in the module cache. This cache is located in the module's "pkg" directory within the Go installation.

The "go clean -modcache" command clears the module cache by removing all the downloaded modules. This can be useful in scenarios like:

  1. Updating the modules: If you want to fetch the latest versions of the modules when you build your project, using "go clean -modcache" ensures that the cache is cleared and the latest versions will be downloaded.

  2. Troubleshooting: If you encounter any issues related to module versions or dependencies, running this command helps to eliminate any potential issues caused by outdated or corrupted modules in the cache.

It's important to note that running "go clean -modcache" will not remove the modules from your project's go.mod file, nor will it remove any installed packages. It simply clears the cache of downloaded module versions, forcing them to be re-downloaded when needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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