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go-doc: Show documentation for the current package.
$ go doc
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The command "go doc" is a tool provided by the Go programming language. It is used to display documentation for Go packages, functions, types, and other entities.

When you run "go doc" followed by the name of a package, function, or type, it will print the corresponding documentation to the command line. This documentation is extracted from comments written in the Go source code using the godoc standard format.

For example, if you have a package named "myPackage" and you want to see its documentation, you can run:

go doc myPackage

Similarly, you can use "go doc" to get documentation for a specific function or type within a package. For instance:

go doc myPackage.myFunction
go doc myPackage.myStruct

The "go doc" command can be helpful for exploring the functionality and proper usage of Go packages and their elements. It provides a quick way to access the documentation without having to navigate to the Go documentation website or manually open the source code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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