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go-get: Add a specified package to `go.mod` in module-mode or install the package in GOPATH-mode.
$ go get ${example-com-pkg}
try on your machine

The command go get ${example-com-pkg} is used in the Go programming language to download and install a package from the internet.

Here, ${example-com-pkg} is a placeholder for the actual name of the package you want to fetch. It is a convention to use a URI-like form for the package name, typically in the format of For instance, if you wanted to download a package named foo from the domain, you would replace ${example-com-pkg} with

When you execute the command, the Go package manager (go get) will locate the package specified by ${example-com-pkg} in a package repository (usually within the GOPATH or GOROOT directories). If found, it will be downloaded and installed on your system.

Note: As of Go 1.16, the use of the $ sign for the variable placeholder is discouraged. It is recommended to use @ instead. For example, go get

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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