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go-list: List standard packages.
$ go list std
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The command "go list std" is used in the Go programming language to list the standard packages included in the Go distribution.

When you run this command, it will display a list of all the standard library packages available in your installed version of Go. These packages contain useful functionality for common tasks such as input/output operations, networking, file handling, parsing, and much more.

The output of the command will typically include the import path of each standard package, which you can use to import them into your own Go programs. For example, if you see "net/http" in the list, it means you can import this package in your own code by using the statement "import "net/http"".

Note that "std" in the command refers to "standard", indicating that you want to list the standard packages specifically. If you want to list all packages, including standard and external packages, you can use the command "go list all".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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