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go-mod: Copy sources of all dependencies into the vendor directory.
$ go mod vendor
try on your machine

The command "go mod vendor" is used in the Go programming language to create a local copy of all the dependencies required by a project. It copies the dependencies into a vendor directory within the project's root directory.

When you use modules in Go, you typically define your dependencies in a go.mod file. This file specifies the modules and their versions required for your project. The go mod vendor command reads this file and downloads the necessary dependencies from the internet.

Running "go mod vendor" fetches all the dependencies required by your project and places them inside the "vendor" directory. The "vendor" directory is created if it doesn't exist, and any existing dependencies are overwritten.

Why use "go mod vendor"?

  1. Offline Builds: By having a local copy of all the dependencies in the vendor directory, you can build the project offline without relying on internet connectivity.

  2. Avoid Dependency Changes: By copying dependencies into the vendor directory, you ensure that the project always uses the specific versions specified in the go.mod file. This prevents unexpected changes in your dependencies that could affect the project's stability.

  3. Reproducible Builds: Go modules provide a way to ensure reproducible builds by using a specific set of dependencies. By using "go mod vendor" and committing the vendor directory along with the rest of your code, you create a self-contained project that can be built consistently across different environments.

Overall, "go mod vendor" is a command used to manage and control the dependencies in a Go project, allowing for better control over the project's build process and reducing the reliance on external sources during development and deployment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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