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go-test: Test the package found in the current directory.
$ go test
try on your machine

The command "go test" is used in the Go programming language to run tests written for Go programs.

When you run the "go test" command from the command line in the directory containing Go code, it automatically searches for test files and runs all the tests in those files. The command identifies the test files based on the file name pattern "*_test.go", where the "_test.go" suffix indicates that it contains test code.

The "go test" command compiles the test files and their dependencies, then executes the tests and displays the test results, including the number of tests passed and failed. It also provides additional details about individual test cases and any failures or errors encountered during test execution.

By default, "go test" runs tests sequentially, but you can run them in parallel by using the "-parallel" flag followed by the desired number of parallel test runners. Parallelism can improve test execution speed, especially when you have a large test suite.

Additionally, the "go test" command offers several flags to customize the behavior of test execution, such as "-v" to display verbose output, "-run" to specify a regular expression for filtering specific tests to run, and "-cover" to measure code coverage.

Overall, "go test" is a convenient command for running tests and ensuring the correctness and reliability of Go programs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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