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go-tool: List available tools.
$ go tool
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The command "go tool" is used in conjunction with the Go programming language to execute various Go development tools. It is a command-line tool that provides the ability to call and interact with different Go development tools available in the Go toolchain.

When you run the "go tool" command, you need to specify a tool to execute as an argument. For example, to execute the "vet" tool, you would run:

go tool vet <arguments>

Here, "vet" is a tool used to analyze Go code for potential errors and suspicious constructs.

Go provides several built-in tools, such as "build" for compiling packages, "fmt" for formatting code, "test" for running tests, "doc" for generating documentation, and more. External tools can also be installed and used via the "go get" command.

Using the "go tool" command allows you to interact with these tools directly from the command line, providing flexibility and ease of use in Go development.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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