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go-tool: Print the command that would be executed, but do not execute it (similar to `whereis`).
$ go tool -n ${command} ${arguments}
try on your machine

The command you provided appears to be incomplete or flawed, as the "go tool -n" portion does not represent a valid command. However, I can explain the general usage of the "go tool" command in Go language.

In Go programming language, the "go tool" command is a toolchain that provides a variety of development commands for managing Go code. These commands range from building and installing packages to formatting and testing code.

The "-n" flag is often used with the "go tool" command to perform a dry run. This means that the command will simulate the actions it would take, but without actually executing them. It can be useful for verifying and understanding what a specific command would do, without making any changes to your code or system.

In the command you provided, "${command}" represents the specific Go tool command you want to execute. For example, it could be "build" to compile a Go program or "test" to run tests. "${arguments}" represents the additional options or arguments required by the specified command. These arguments could include the name of a package, flags, or other relevant inputs for the command.

Overall, the "go tool" command is a powerful tool for managing your Go projects, and the "-n" flag is used to perform a dry run, simulating the actions without actually executing them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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