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go-vet: View details and flags for a particular check.
$ go tool vet help ${check_name}
try on your machine

The command "go tool vet" is a command-line tool provided by the Go programming language toolchain. It is used to find and report potential issues in Go code.

When executing the command "go tool vet help ${check_name}", it displays the help message and explanation for a specific check or vetting tool. The ${check_name} represents the name of the check or vetting tool for which you want detailed information.

For example, if you run "go tool vet help printf", it will display the help message for the printf check. This can be useful to understand the purpose and usage of a specific vetting tool in the context of Go code analysis.

Vetting tools provided by "go tool vet" help identify common mistakes, inconsistencies, or potential problems in Go code and provide advice on how to fix or improve them. The help command helps developers understand the specifics of each vetting tool and how it can be effectively used to improve the quality and correctness of their Go code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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