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go-vet: List available checks that can be run with go vet.
$ go tool vet help
try on your machine

The command "go tool vet help" is used in the Go programming language to display detailed information and instructions about the "vet" tool.

The "vet" tool is a Go source code analyzer that examines Go code for suspicious constructs and potential mistakes that could lead to bugs or performance issues. It aims to help developers identify and fix these issues before running the code.

When you run "go tool vet help", it provides you with an overview of the "vet" tool, including its usage, available options, and the types of checks it performs on the code. It may also provide examples and best practices for fixing common issues that "vet" detects.

By using this command, you can access the documentation and resources related to "vet", which can enable you to use the tool more effectively and efficiently in your Go development workflow.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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