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go-vet: Output analysis and errors in JSON format.
$ go vet -json
try on your machine

The "go vet" command is a tool that is provided with the Go programming language. It is used to analyze Go source code and report suspicious constructs, potential bugs, code style issues, and other suspicious patterns. It forms a part of the Go's official static analysis toolchain.

The "-json" flag is an option that can be used with the "go vet" command. When this flag is set, the command outputs its results in JSON format instead of the default textual format. This JSON output can be easily parsed by other programs or tools for further analysis or integration into other systems.

By using the "-json" flag, you can obtain machine-readable output from "go vet", allowing you to perform automated analysis, generate reports, or integrate the tool into your development workflows more effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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