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go: Compile the package present in the current directory.
$ go build
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The command "go build" is used in the Go programming language to compile and build a Go source code file or a package into an executable binary file. It is part of the Go build system.

When you run "go build" without any arguments, it builds the package in the current directory. This command will compile all the Go source files in that directory into object files and then link them together to produce an executable binary file. The binary file will have the same name as the current directory.

You can also specify the names of the source files or packages you want to build with "go build" by providing them as arguments. For example, "go build main.go" will compile only the "main.go" file and produce an executable binary file.

"Go build" automatically compiles dependencies as needed, so you do not need to explicitly compile all the imported packages. If any dependencies are missing or need to be updated, "go build" will automatically download and install them from the Go module repository.

After executing the "go build" command, if the build is successful, you will have an executable binary file that you can run directly on your system to execute the Go program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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