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gobuster: Fuzz the value of a parameter.
$ gobuster fuzz --url ${https:--example-com-?parameter=FUZZ} --wordlist ${filename}
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This command is using the tool called "gobuster" to perform a fuzzing attack on a URL. Fuzzing is a process of testing the security of a website or application by inputting invalid data or unexpected values into parameters to identify vulnerabilities.

Here is an explanation of each component in the command:

  • gobuster: It is the command-line tool being used for this attack. It is commonly used for brute-forcing directories and files on web servers.

  • fuzz: This flag tells gobuster to perform a fuzzing attack.

  • --url ${https:--example-com-?parameter=FUZZ}: This flag specifies the target URL to be attacked. In this case, the ${FUZZ} placeholder will be replaced by different values from a wordlist (specified later). The actual URL being fuzzed here is "" with the FUZZ placeholder for variation.

  • --wordlist ${filename}: This flag points to a wordlist file that contains a list of potential values or strings that will replace the FUZZ placeholder in the target URL. The ${filename} placeholder indicates that the actual filename should be provided when running the command.

By running this command, gobuster will fuzz the specified URL with values from the wordlist, replacing the FUZZ placeholder each time. This allows finding hidden files, directories, or potentially vulnerable URLs on the target website.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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