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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gobuster. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gobuster is a popular command-line tool used for directory and DNS enumeration on web applications and services. It is primarily designed for reconnaissance purposes and helps in locating hidden directories, files, and subdomains on a target website.

Here are a few key features of Gobuster:

  1. Directory Discovery: Gobuster can efficiently discover the existence of directories and files by brute-forcing or using common wordlists. This helps in uncovering hidden paths or directories that may not be readily accessible through the web application.

  2. DNS Enumeration: Gobuster can also be used to perform DNS subdomain enumeration. It allows you to discover subdomains associated with a target domain by brute-forcing or using a provided wordlist.

  3. Fast and Efficient: Gobuster is known for its speed and efficiency. It can send parallel requests to the target server, reducing the enumeration time significantly.

  4. Customizable Options: Gobuster provides various customization options such as setting the timeout value, specifying user-agent strings, proxy support, and multiple wordlist options. This flexibility enables users to tailor the tool to their specific requirements.

  5. Extensive Logging: Gobuster logs all the found directories, files, or subdomains during the enumeration process. This comprehensive logging can help in further analysis and investigation.

  6. Integration with Other Tools: Gobuster supports multiple output formats, making it easy to integrate with other tools or scripts for further analysis or automation.

Overall, Gobuster is a versatile and powerful command-line tool used for web application reconnaissance. It is often employed by security researchers, penetration testers, or ethical hackers to discover potential vulnerabilities or hidden areas in a target system.

List of commands for gobuster:

  • gobuster:tldr:23d88 gobuster: Discover other virtual hosts on the server.
    $ gobuster vhost --url ${https:--example-com-} --wordlist ${filename}
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  • gobuster:tldr:2b2b5 gobuster: Discover directories and files that match in the wordlist.
    $ gobuster dir --url ${https:--example-com-} --wordlist ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • gobuster:tldr:724a2 gobuster: Discover Amazon S3 buckets.
    $ gobuster s3 --wordlist ${filename}
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  • gobuster:tldr:b2cdf gobuster: Discover subdomains.
    $ gobuster dns --domain ${example-com} --wordlist ${filename}
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  • gobuster:tldr:b7d4a gobuster: Fuzz the value of a parameter.
    $ gobuster fuzz --url ${https:--example-com-?parameter=FUZZ} --wordlist ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview