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godot: Open the project manager even if the current directory contains a `project.godot` file.
$ godot -p
try on your machine

The command "godot -p" is used to open the Godot Engine project manager.

Godot is a popular open-source game development engine that allows developers to create games and interactive applications. When you run the "godot" command followed by the "-p" flag, it launches the Godot project manager.

The project manager is a central hub where developers can create new projects, open existing ones, manage project settings, and perform other project-related actions. It provides an interface to organize and access all the game assets, scenes, scripts, and other resources that are part of a Godot project.

By running "godot -p," you can conveniently access the project manager and perform necessary project management tasks within the Godot Engine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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