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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool godot. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Godot is an open-source, cross-platform game engine that provides a command line tool for various tasks related to game development. The command line tool allows developers to perform actions like project creation, exporting games, and running tests from the command line interface.

Here are some key features of the Godot command line tool:

  1. Project Management: Godot's command line tool enables the creation, initialization, and management of projects. Developers can create new projects, import existing ones, manage project settings, and organize project assets.

  2. Exporting Games: The command line tool allows game developers to export their projects to different platforms and target systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, HTML5, and more. This simplifies the process of packaging and distributing games across multiple platforms.

  3. Automation and Scripting: With the command line tool, developers can facilitate automation and scripting tasks. It provides functionality to perform batch processing of assets, running tests, and executing build pipelines, making it easier to integrate Godot into existing development workflows.

  4. Debugging and Testing: Developers can use command line arguments to enable debugging and testing features while running their games. This helps in profiling performance, analyzing memory usage, and tracking down issues in the development phase.

  5. Collaboration Support: Godot's command line tool is designed to support collaborative development workflows. It provides features like export templates sharing, remote debugging, and compatibility with version control systems, allowing developers to work together efficiently.

Overall, the Godot command line tool enhances the game development experience by streamlining various tasks, allowing developers to automate processes, and enabling collaboration, all within a flexible and cross-platform environment.

List of commands for godot:

  • godot:tldr:35e65 godot: Run a project if the current directory contains a `project.godot` file, otherwise open the project manager.
    $ godot
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  • godot:tldr:8ed08 godot: Edit a project (the current directory must contain a `project.godot` file).
    $ godot -e
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  • godot:tldr:a430a godot: Export a project for a given export preset (the preset must be defined in the project).
    $ godot --export ${preset} ${output_path}
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  • godot:tldr:baf3a godot: Execute a standalone GDScript file (the script must inherit from `SceneTree` or `MainLoop`).
    $ godot -s ${script-gd}
    try on your machine
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  • godot:tldr:dd49e godot: Open the project manager even if the current directory contains a `project.godot` file.
    $ godot -p
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview