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goimports: Display diffs and write the result back to the source file.
$ goimports -w -d ${filename}.go
try on your machine

The command "goimports -w -d ${filename}.go" is used to auto-format and organize the import statements in a Go source code file. Here's a breakdown of the different components in the command:

  • "goimports": It is a command-line tool in Go used for managing import statements in Go source code files.
  • "-w" flag: It is used to write the changes directly to the file instead of printing the result to the standard output.
  • "-d" flag: It is used to display any differences that occurred during the import ordering and formatting process.
  • "${filename}.go": It is a placeholder for the actual file name that you want to apply goimports on. Replace "${filename}" with the name of your Go source code file without the ".go" extension.

Overall, running this command will modify the import statements in the specified Go file to comply with the Go language's import formatting conventions and organize them alphabetically.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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