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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool goimports. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


goimports is a command-line tool for Go programming language that automatically updates import statements in Go source code files. It is commonly used to add or remove import statements, format and organize them according to the Go syntax and import order guidelines, and handle the necessary imports for packages used in the code.

This tool is a part of the Go toolchain and is often used in conjunction with Go development environments, build systems, and version control systems. It helps in ensuring that import statements are kept in a consistent and organized manner, making it easier to read and maintain Go code.

When run, goimports analyzes the Go source code and checks the imports for any discrepancies or missing packages. It also rewrites import statements to adhere to Go's recommended formatting, which includes grouping imports into standard library, third-party, and local packages, using blank lines to separate them.

Go developers find goimports helpful in saving time and effort in manual import management, especially in larger projects with multiple files and dependencies. By automatically handling imports, goimports promotes code readability, reduces human errors, and ensures consistency across different codebases and collaborators.

Overall, goimports is a valuable tool for Go programmers to maintain clean and standardized import statements in their codebase, thus enhancing code quality and development productivity.

List of commands for goimports:

  • goimports:tldr:61d68 goimports: Display the completed import source file.
    $ goimports ${filename}.go
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • goimports:tldr:7c46e goimports: Write the result back to the source file instead of the standard output.
    $ goimports -w ${filename}.go
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • goimports:tldr:caf42 goimports: Set the import prefix string after 3rd-party packages (comma-separated list).
    $ goimports -local ${path-to-package} ${filename}.go
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • goimports:tldr:db2e6 goimports: Display diffs and write the result back to the source file.
    $ goimports -w -d ${filename}.go
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview