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gource: Set how long each day should be in the animation (this combines with -c, if provided).
$ gource -s ${seconds}
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The command provided is used to execute the "gource" program with the "-s" option and a value specified by the "${seconds}" variable.

"Gource" is a software visualization tool used to generate 3D visualizations of software repositories. It can create animations that represent the development history of a project by analyzing version control systems.

The "-s" option is used to specify the duration in seconds for which each frame of the visualization will be displayed. By providing a value through the "${seconds}" variable, you can control the speed at which the visualization progresses. For example, a larger value will slow down the animation, while a smaller value will speed it up.

It is important to note that the "${seconds}" variable should be replaced with an actual value before executing the command, as it is a placeholder indicating that you need to provide a specific duration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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