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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gource. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gource is a command line tool used for visualizing the development history of a software project. It generates an animated tree-like visualization of the files and directories in a repository, representing their creation, deletion, and modification over time.

Gource retrieves the commit history from various version control systems such as Git, SVN, and Mercurial. It assigns colors to different types of files and depicts them as nodes in the visualization. The size of the nodes represents the file's relative contribution to the project, while the branching and merging of the nodes show the directory structure and file modifications.

Furthermore, Gource can display user avatars to represent the developers who made the changes. The avatars move along the file tree, showing individual contributors' activity over time. This visualization provides a unique way to comprehend the evolution of a project, identify active contributors, and understand the collaboration patterns within the development team.

Gource has several customizable options, allowing users to choose different visualization styles, add music or sound effects, speed up or slow down the animation, and even export the visualization as a video file or a series of images.

Overall, Gource is a powerful and engaging tool that makes it easier to analyze and present the history of software projects in an aesthetic and informative manner.

List of commands for gource:

  • gource:tldr:31b98 gource: Set how long each day should be in the animation (this combines with -c, if provided).
    $ gource -s ${seconds}
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  • gource:tldr:46e04 gource: Set a custom timescale for the animation.
    $ gource -c ${time_scale_multiplier}
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  • gource:tldr:aa3c8 gource: Run gource in a directory (if it isn't the repository's root directory, the root is sought up from there).
    $ gource ${path-to-repository}
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  • gource:tldr:b1f6d gource: Set a title for the animation.
    $ gource --title ${title}
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  • gource:tldr:c02f7 gource: Set fullscreen mode and a custom background color.
    $ gource -f -b ${hex_color_code}
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  • gource:tldr:ca556 gource: Run gource in the current directory, with a custom output resolution.
    $ gource -${width}x${height}
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