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gource: Set a custom timescale for the animation.
$ gource -c ${time_scale_multiplier}
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The command "gource -c ${time_scale_multiplier}" is a command-line instruction used to run the Gource tool with a specific time scale multiplier.

Gource is a software version control visualization tool that can create an animated visual representation of the development activity in a software repository. It can display repositories from various version control systems such as Git, Mercurial, Subversion, etc. The visualization shows the timeline of file changes, commits, and contributors, represented through animated and interactive graphical elements.

In this command, the "-c" flag is used to specify the time scale multiplier. A time scale multiplier controls the speed at which the visualization progresses. By default, Gource uses a time scale of 1, resulting in real-time playback of the repository history. However, specifying a "time_scale_multiplier" value allows you to speed up or slow down the visualization.

The "${time_scale_multiplier}" is a placeholder indicating that you need to replace it with an actual value when using the command. For example, if you want to increase the speed, you can use "2" as the time scale multiplier: "gource -c 2". This would make the visualization move twice as fast as real-time. Similarly, if you want to slow it down, you can use a value less than 1.

Overall, this command allows you to control the time scale of the Gource visualization, making it faster or slower based on the specified time scale multiplier.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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