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gource: Set a title for the animation.
$ gource --title ${title}
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The command "gource --title ${title}" is used to run the software application called "gource" with a specific title as a parameter.

  • "gource" is a version control visualization tool that creates an animated visualization of a software project's commit history. It displays the project's directory structure, individual files, and contributors as a 3D tree-like structure over time.

  • "--title" is an option/flag that allows you to specify a title for the visualization. This title will typically appear at the top of the screen or video output. The ${title} is a placeholder that suggests you need to replace it with the actual title you want to display. For example, if you want the title to be "My Project," you need to replace ${title} with "My Project" in the command.

Therefore, with the given command, you can run a gource visualization with a specific title of your choice.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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