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gox: Compile Go program in the current directory for all operating systems and architecture combinations.
$ gox
try on your machine

The command "gox" typically refers to the Go cross-compiler tool called "gox." Gox is used to build Go binaries for multiple platforms or architectures from a single command. It simplifies the process of cross-compiling Go programs.

With the gox command, you can specify the target platforms or architectures you want to build for, and gox will compile the Go code accordingly. This can be useful when your development environment is different from the environment you want to deploy your application to, or when you want to distribute your application to users running different operating systems or CPU architectures.

Here is an example of how the gox command can be used:

gox -osarch="linux/amd64 darwin/amd64 windows/amd64"

In this example, gox is instructed to build the Go binary for the Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems, targeting the AMD64 architecture. The resulting binaries will be placed in separate directories for each platform.

Gox offers additional options and arguments to further customize the compilation process, such as specifying output directories, including or excluding certain packages, and specifying build tags.

It's important to note that gox is a separate tool and not part of the standard Go distribution. You may need to install gox separately before being able to use it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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