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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gox. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gox is a command line tool for bundling and packaging Go applications. It is primarily used for cross-compiling Go programs and creating binary distributions for different platforms and architectures.

Some key features of gox include:

  1. Cross-compilation: Gox allows developers to easily compile their Go programs for different platforms and architectures without the need to set up separate build environments for each target.

  2. Multiple outputs: It can produce multiple binary output files from a single command, enabling developers to build and package their application for various platforms simultaneously.

  3. Customizable build configurations: Gox provides the flexibility to specify custom build configurations, including the version of Go, the target operating system, and the desired architecture.

  4. Versioning support: It incorporates versioning information in the output filename to help identify and distribute different versions of the application.

  5. Integration with build automation: Gox can be seamlessly integrated into existing build systems or scripting workflows, making it convenient for automating the deployment and distribution of Go applications.

Overall, gox simplifies the process of building and packaging Go applications for multiple platforms, making it easier for developers to distribute their software to different users and environments.

List of commands for gox:

  • gox:tldr:53857 gox: Compile current directory for a particular operating system.
    $ gox -os="${os}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gox:tldr:5c06e gox: Download and compile a Go program from a remote URL.
    $ gox ${url_1} ${url_2}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gox:tldr:a81f9 gox: Compile Go program in the current directory for all operating systems and architecture combinations.
    $ gox
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gox:tldr:d5131 gox: Compile current directory for a single operating system and architecture combination.
    $ gox -osarch="${os}/${arch}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview