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List of commands for grep:

  • grep:ai:2be90 this link does not work
    $ grep -r -E --include=\*.{doc,docx,odt,pdf,rtf,sxw,psw,ppt,pptx,pps,csv,txt,xls} '447919823605|+447919823605|07919823605' /path/to/search/directory
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  • grep:ai:341d8 this link
    $ grep -r -l -E -i '\b(447919823605|+447919823605|07919823605)\b' /path/to/search/in
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  • grep:ai:4a037 Used to search for a specific pattern in files
    $ grep
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  • grep:ai:71638 Which major script element does the /opt/scripts/ contain?
    $ grep -E '^.*:.*:.*:.*:.*:.*:.*$' /etc/shadow
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  • grep:ai:955cd umiesz czytać logi linuxa ?
    $ grep 'ERROR' /var/log/syslog
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  • grep:ai:b249f search all files and recursive folders for the word craig
    $ grep -r 'craig' /path/to/search
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  • grep:ai:dcd50 this link does not work ca
    $ grep -irl '07919823605' /
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  • grep:ai:e6db3 How do I create a regex for all valid emails?
    $ grep -Eio '${a-zA-Z0-9._%+-}+@${a-zA-Z0-9.-}+\.${a-zA-Z}{2,}'
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  • grep:tldr:1682e grep: Search for a pattern within a file.
    $ grep "${search_pattern}" ${filename}
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  • grep:tldr:274a3 grep: Search for a pattern in all files recursively in a directory, showing line numbers of matches, ignoring binary files.
    $ grep --recursive --line-number --binary-files=${without-match} "${search_pattern}" ${path-to-directory}
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  • grep:tldr:5c5ea grep: Print file name and line number for each match with color output.
    $ grep --with-filename --line-number --color=always "${search_pattern}" ${filename}
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  • grep:tldr:644a3 grep: Search for an exact string (disables regular expressions).
    $ grep --fixed-strings "${exact_string}" ${filename}
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  • grep:tldr:9fdd1 grep: Print 3 lines of context around, before, or after each match.
    $ grep --${select}=${3} "${search_pattern}" ${filename}
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  • grep:tldr:cc5bb grep: Search `stdin` for lines that do not match a pattern.
    $ cat ${filename} | grep --invert-match "${search_pattern}"
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  • grep:tldr:e135a grep: Search for lines matching a pattern, printing only the matched text.
    $ grep --only-matching "${search_pattern}" ${filename}
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  • grep:tldr:e697e grep: Use extended regular expressions (supports `?`, `+`, `{}`, `()` and `|`), in case-insensitive mode.
    $ grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "${search_pattern}" ${filename}
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