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grpcurl: List all services exposed by a server.
$ grpcurl ${grpc-server-com:443} list
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the tool "grpcurl" to make a gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) request. Let's break down the command:

grpcurl: This is the name of the tool, which is used to interact with gRPC servers.

${grpc-server-com:443}: This is a placeholder for the address of a gRPC server. It is likely that you need to replace ${grpc-server-com:443} with the actual server address to make a successful request. The server address could be an IP address or a domain name, followed by the port number (443 in this case). The colon separates the server address from the port number.

list: This is the operation you want to perform on the gRPC server. In this case, you are requesting a list of available services or methods provided by the gRPC server. The "list" operation is specific to grpcurl, and it's not a standard gRPC operation.

Overall, the command is attempting to use grpcurl to connect to a gRPC server at the specified address and port, then list the available services or methods provided by that server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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