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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool grpcurl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. grpcurl is a command line tool used for interacting with gRPC servers.
  2. It acts as a command line client, allowing users to send requests and receive responses from gRPC servers.
  3. It supports various features like unary, server-side streaming, client-side streaming, and bidirectional streaming.
  4. grpcurl is written in Go and is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms.
  5. It provides a straightforward and intuitive way to test gRPC services without writing any code.
  6. The tool has built-in support for protobuf messages, allowing users to easily construct and send requests.
  7. grpcurl can be used to perform service discovery by querying the server for the available services and their methods.
  8. It also supports SSL/TLS encryption, enabling secure communication with gRPC servers.
  9. grpcurl supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 transport protocols, making it compatible with various gRPC server implementations.
  10. It is a powerful tool for debugging, testing, and exploring gRPC APIs, and is widely used by developers in the gRPC community.

List of commands for grpcurl:

  • grpcurl:tldr:254ad grpcurl: Send an empty request.
    $ grpcurl ${grpc-server-com:443} ${my-custom-server-Service-Method}
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  • grpcurl:tldr:30f39 grpcurl: List all methods in a particular service.
    $ grpcurl ${grpc-server-com:443} list ${my-custom-server-Service}
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  • grpcurl:tldr:bbd17 grpcurl: Send a request with a header and a body.
    $ grpcurl -H "${Authorization: Bearer $token}" -d ${'{"foo": "bar"}'} ${grpc-server-com:443} ${my-custom-server-Service-Method}
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  • grpcurl:tldr:e060d grpcurl: List all services exposed by a server.
    $ grpcurl ${grpc-server-com:443} list
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tool overview