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gsettings: Print the value of a key or the schema-provided default if the key has not been set in `dconf`.
$ gsettings get ${org-example-schema} ${example-key}
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The command "gsettings get ${org-example-schema} ${example-key}" is used to retrieve the current value of a specific key from a GSettings schema in a GNOME-based Linux environment.

Here's a breakdown of the command components:

  • "gsettings" is the command-line tool for manipulating GSettings configuration keys.
  • "get" is the operation being performed on the specified key.
  • "${org-example-schema}" is the name of the GSettings schema (configuration schema) to which the key belongs. The schema identifier is typically written in reverse domain name notation, like "org.example.schema". You should replace "${org-example-schema}" with the actual schema name.
  • "${example-key}" refers to the specific key within the schema whose value you want to retrieve. Replace "${example-key}" with the actual key name.

By running this command, the current value assigned to the specified key in the given schema will be displayed in the terminal output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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