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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gsettings. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gsettings is a command-line tool for manipulating the settings of GNOME applications and the GNOME desktop environment. It is developed as part of the GNOME project and provides a convenient way to configure settings using the terminal. Gsettings allows users to view, modify, and manage a wide range of settings, including those related to desktop appearance, window behavior, input devices, accessibility options, and more. One of the key benefits of gsettings is its ability to access and modify settings for both individual applications and the overall GNOME environment. The tool uses a simple syntax for setting and getting values, making it easy to use for both novice and advanced users. Gsettings also supports various data types for settings such as strings, integers, booleans, and more, allowing for precise configuration. It provides tab-completion feature, which helps users discover available settings and their values by pressing the Tab key. Gsettings also features a built-in schemas database, which serves as a reference for available settings and helps maintain consistency across different GNOME applications. It supports batch operations, allowing users to change multiple settings at once, improving efficiency in managing configurations. Overall, gsettings is a powerful and flexible command-line tool that enables users to modify and customize various aspects of their GNOME desktop environment or GNOME applications with ease.

List of commands for gsettings:

  • gsettings:tldr:4d99e gsettings: Display the human-readable description of a key.
    $ gsettings describe ${org-example-schema} ${example-key}
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  • gsettings:tldr:4e7ee gsettings: Display schema-allowed values for a key (helpful with enum keys).
    $ gsettings range ${org-example-schema} ${example-key}
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  • gsettings:tldr:51963 gsettings: Unset a key, so that its schema default value will be used.
    $ gsettings reset ${org-example-schema} ${example-key}
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  • gsettings:tldr:55f95 gsettings: Print the value of a key or the schema-provided default if the key has not been set in `dconf`.
    $ gsettings get ${org-example-schema} ${example-key}
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  • gsettings:tldr:906e5 gsettings: Display all (non-relocatable) schemas, keys, and values.
    $ gsettings list-recursively
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  • gsettings:tldr:d26da gsettings: Display all keys and values (default if not set) from one schema.
    $ gsettings list-recursively ${org-example-schema}
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  • gsettings:tldr:e8add gsettings: Set the value of a key. Fails if the key doesn't exist or the value is out of range.
    $ gsettings set ${org-example-schema} ${example-key} ${value}
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