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gsettings: Display all (non-relocatable) schemas, keys, and values.
$ gsettings list-recursively
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The command "gsettings list-recursively" is used to display a list of all key-value pairs for the GSettings configuration system on a Linux-based system.

Here's how it works:

  1. "gsettings" is a command-line tool in Linux used to retrieve and manipulate application settings stored using the GSettings configuration system. It interacts with the dconf database where these settings are stored.

  2. "list-recursively" is an option for the "gsettings" command that tells it to display all the key-value pairs stored in the dconf database.

When you run the command "gsettings list-recursively", the output will be a long list of all the settings and their values for the installed applications that use GSettings. Each line in the output will show the schema, key, and value of a particular setting.

For example, if you have an application called "" with a setting called "example-setting", the output might look like: example-setting 'example-value'

This means that the setting "example-setting" in the schema "" has a value of "example-value".

Using the "gsettings list-recursively" command can be helpful when you need to view and manage application settings in a Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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