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guetzli: Compress a JPEG with the desired visual quality (84-100).
$ guetzli --quality ${quality_value} ${input-jpg} ${output-jpg}
try on your machine

This command is using the tool "guetzli" to compress a JPEG image file, given an input image file and output file. The command is structured as follows:

  • "guetzli" is the name of the tool being used.
  • "--quality" is an option to specify the desired quality value for the output image.
  • "${quality_value}" is a placeholder for an actual quality value that needs to be provided. It indicates that you should replace "${quality_value}" with a specific number representing the desired quality level. For example, you could replace it with "90" to set the quality to 90.
  • "${input-jpg}" is a placeholder for the input image file name that needs to be provided. It indicates that you should replace "${input-jpg}" with the actual name of the input JPEG image file. For example, you could replace it with "input.jpg" if that's the name of your file.
  • "${output-jpg}" is a placeholder for the output image file name that needs to be provided. It indicates that you should replace "${output-jpg}" with the desired name of the output JPEG image file. For example, you could replace it with "output.jpg" if you want the compressed image file to be named "output.jpg".

In summary, this command uses the "guetzli" tool to compress a JPEG image file, specifying the quality value for compression and the input and output file names.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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