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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool guetzli. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Guetzli is a command line tool developed by Google for optimizing JPEG image compression. It aims to reduce image file sizes while maintaining visual quality. Guetzli uses advanced compression techniques to achieve better compression rates compared to other algorithms in the same category. It works by converting and quantizing input images to improve the efficiency of the encoding process. The tool is designed to be easy to use. You simply input the source image and provide the desired output destination. Guetzli operates on single input images at a time and does not process image directories or files in bulk. The tool provides options to adjust the compression level, allowing users to find a balance between file size reduction and image quality preservation. Guetzli can significantly reduce file sizes, making it ideal for web developers who want to improve website load times by optimizing image compression. It is worth noting that Guetzli has long processing times, so it may not be suitable for real-time applications or instances where speed is crucial. Guetzli is an open-source project, and its source code is available on GitHub for developers to explore and contribute to its further development.

List of commands for guetzli:

  • guetzli:tldr:3704d guetzli: Compress a JPEG image.
    $ guetzli ${input-jpg} ${output-jpg}
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  • guetzli:tldr:3dd5e guetzli: Compress a JPEG with the desired visual quality (84-100).
    $ guetzli --quality ${quality_value} ${input-jpg} ${output-jpg}
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tool overview