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gunicorn: Run Python web app.
$ gunicorn ${import-path:app_object}
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This command is used to run a web server using Gunicorn, a lightweight Python web server gateway interface (WSGI) HTTP server.

The ${import-path:app_object} is a variable that is expected to be replaced with the actual import path and app object. The import path refers to the Python module or package name where the app object is defined. The app object is the instance of the web application that will be served by Gunicorn.

Here's an example to help understand how this command works:

Let's say you have a Python file named and inside it, you have defined an app object named app. The import path would typically contain the name of the file without the .py extension, so it would be myapp. The app object in this case is app.

So, the command to run the Gunicorn server would look like this:

gunicorn myapp:app

The gunicorn command is followed by the import path with the colon (:) separating the import path and the app object.

Once you run the command, Gunicorn will start the web server and serve the web application defined by the app object in the specified Python module or package.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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