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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gunicorn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gunicorn is a command line tool commonly used to manage and run Python web applications in a production environment.

  1. It stands for Green Unicorn, indicating its design to be a pre-fork worker model server for Python web applications.
  2. Gunicorn is highly scalable and provides robust performance, making it suitable for handling a large number of concurrent requests.
  3. It supports various web frameworks, including Django, Flask, Pyramid, and many more, making it compatible with a wide range of Python applications.
  4. Gunicorn operates as an HTTP server that listens for client requests and dispatches them to the appropriate worker processes.
  5. It efficiently handles multiple worker processes by utilizing the power of Unix's fork() system call, ensuring better resource utilization.
  6. Gunicorn incorporates load balancing mechanisms to distribute incoming requests across multiple worker processes.
  7. It supports various types of worker classes, such as sync workers (based on synchronous processing) and event-driven workers (based on asynchronous processing) for better performance optimization.
  8. Gunicorn offers extensive configuration options, allowing users to customize various aspects of its behavior, such as the number of workers, worker timeout, logging, etc.
  9. It provides advanced process management features, supporting graceful restarts and dynamic worker scaling to adapt to changing demands.
  10. Gunicorn integrates seamlessly with popular deployment tools like Nginx, allowing it to be part of a larger stack for building robust production systems.

List of commands for gunicorn:

  • gunicorn:tldr:41a34 gunicorn: Run Python web app.
    $ gunicorn ${import-path:app_object}
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  • gunicorn:tldr:45c31 gunicorn: Run app over HTTPS.
    $ gunicorn --certfile ${cert-pem} --keyfile ${key-pem} ${import-path:app_object}
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  • gunicorn:tldr:5b6aa gunicorn: Use 4 worker processes for handling requests.
    $ gunicorn --workers ${4} ${import-path:app_object}
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  • gunicorn:tldr:b1317 gunicorn: Use 4 worker threads for handling requests.
    $ gunicorn --threads ${4} ${import-path:app_object}
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  • gunicorn:tldr:b2f9c gunicorn: Turn on live reload.
    $ gunicorn --reload ${import-path:app_object}
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  • gunicorn:tldr:dbd43 gunicorn: Listen on port 8080 on localhost.
    $ gunicorn --bind ${localhost}:${8080} ${import-path:app_object}
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tool overview