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gunicorn: Turn on live reload.
$ gunicorn --reload ${import-path:app_object}
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This command is used to start a Gunicorn server with automatic code reloading enabled.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • gunicorn: This is the command to start the Gunicorn server. Gunicorn is a Python HTTP server that is commonly used to deploy Python web applications.

  • --reload: This is an optional flag that enables automatic code reloading. With this flag, Gunicorn will watch for changes in your code and automatically restart the server if any changes are detected. This is useful during development, as it eliminates the need to manually restart the server after making code changes.

  • ${import-path:app_object}: This is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual import path and app object of your Python application. The import path refers to the location of your application within the Python module hierarchy, and the app object is an instance of your application that Gunicorn will run.

For example, if you have your Flask application defined in a file called, and your Flask app instance is named app, the command would be:

gunicorn --reload app:app

This command would start the Gunicorn server with code reloading enabled, running the Flask application defined in with the app object named app.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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