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gunicorn: Listen on port 8080 on localhost.
$ gunicorn --bind ${localhost}:${8080} ${import-path:app_object}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using Gunicorn, which is a Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) HTTP server. It is commonly used to run Python web applications.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

gunicorn - This is the command to start Gunicorn.

--bind - This option specifies the socket to bind Gunicorn to.

${localhost}:${8080} - This part specifies the host and port to bind. ${localhost} is a reference to the localhost ( IP address, and ${8080} is the port number (8080) on which Gunicorn will listen for incoming connections. This means Gunicorn will bind to the IP address on port 8080.

${import-path:app_object} - This part specifies the import path for the WSGI application object. The ${import-path:...} syntax is typically used in config files or command line arguments to represent a variable that can be substituted with a value. In this case, the import-path variable should be replaced with the actual import path of the WSGI application object you want to run. This could be a Python module and its specific object.

When you execute this command, Gunicorn will start and bind to the specified host and port. It will then load and run the Python web application specified by the import path provided.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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