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gunzip: Extract a file to a target destination.
$ gunzip --stdout ${archive-tar-gz} > ${archive-tar}
try on your machine

This command decompresses a file (.tar.gz) using gunzip and then redirects the decompressed content to a file with a different name (.tar).

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • gunzip: It is a utility program used to decompress files. In this case, it is used to decompress the specified file.

  • --stdout: This option instructs gunzip to write the decompressed content to the standard output instead of a file.

  • ${archive-tar-gz}: This is the variable that holds the name of the archive file you want to decompress. It is enclosed in braces and preceded by a dollar sign. You need to replace ${archive-tar-gz} with the actual name of your .tar.gz file.

  • >: This symbol is used for output redirection. It takes the output from the previous command and saves it in a file.

  • ${archive-tar}: This is the variable that holds the name of the file you want to store the decompressed content in. Again, you need to replace ${archive-tar} with the desired name for your .tar file.

By running this command, you are essentially decompressing the .tar.gz file and saving the decompressed content into a new file with a .tar extension.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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