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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gunzip. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. Gunzip is a command line tool used to decompress files compressed with gzip compression.
  2. It is part of the GNU core utilities package and is available on most Unix-like systems.
  3. The tool is used to uncompress files with the .gz extension, which are typically created using the gzip utility.
  4. Gunzip uses the DEFLATE algorithm to decompress the files, which is a widely used compression algorithm.
  5. The tool replaces the compressed file with the uncompressed version, removing the .gz extension.
  6. One of the main advantages of gunzip is its ability to decompress files without any loss of data or quality.
  7. Gunzip can handle single files as well as concatenated files that have been compressed using the gzip utility.
  8. It is a fast and efficient tool, commonly used for decompressing large files or when working with compressed archives.
  9. Gunzip is often used in combination with other command line tools, such as tar, to extract files from compressed archives.
  10. The gunzip command is simple to use, with a basic syntax: gunzip [options] [file], where options can include -c to write the decompressed data to standard output, -f to force decompression even if other files with the same name exist, and -k to keep the original compressed file.

List of commands for gunzip:

  • gunzip:tldr:0bf95 gunzip: Extract a file to a target destination.
    $ gunzip --stdout ${archive-tar-gz} > ${archive-tar}
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  • gunzip:tldr:18cb8 gunzip: Extract a file from an archive, replacing the original file if it exists.
    $ gunzip ${archive-tar-gz}
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  • gunzip:tldr:3148b gunzip: Extract a file and keep the archive file.
    $ gunzip --keep ${archive-tar-gz}
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  • gunzip:tldr:fd7fc gunzip: List the contents of a compressed file.
    $ gunzip --list ${file-txt-gz}
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