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hadolint: Lint multiple Dockerfiles using specific trusted registries.
$ hadolint --trusted-registry ${docker-io} --trusted-registry ${example-com}:${5000} ${path-to-Dockerfile} ${path-to-another-Dockerfile}
try on your machine

This command executes the "hadolint" tool by passing multiple arguments to it. "hadolint" is a linting tool specifically designed for Dockerfiles, which analyzes the files for potential issues or best practices violations.

Let's break down each part of the command:

  • hadolint: This is the command itself, which will trigger the hadolint tool.

  • --trusted-registry ${docker-io}: This option specifies a trusted registry named "docker-io". By using this flag, hadolint will treat this registry as trusted, meaning it will not report any issues related to this registry.

  • --trusted-registry ${example-com}:${5000}: Similarly, this option specifies another trusted registry named "example-com" with a port number of "5000". Again, hadolint will consider this trusted and won't raise any issues related to it.

  • ${path-to-Dockerfile}: This is the path to a Dockerfile that you want to analyze using hadolint. Replace ${path-to-Dockerfile} with the actual file path.

  • ${path-to-another-Dockerfile}: Similarly, this is the path to another Dockerfile that you want to analyze. Replace ${path-to-another-Dockerfile} with the actual file path.

By running this command, hadolint will analyze the provided Dockerfile(s), giving you feedback on any issues found. The trusted registries ensure that no errors or warnings related to those registries will be reported, even if they may violate certain best practices.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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