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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hadolint. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Hadolint is a command line tool used for linting Dockerfiles, providing static analysis of Dockerfiles for best practices and potential issues. It aims to ensure the quality and reliability of Docker images being built.

  1. Hadolint helps in finding common mistakes and adherence to best practices in Dockerfile syntax, preventing runtime issues and security vulnerabilities.
  2. It can be installed as a standalone binary or used as a Docker container, making it flexible to integrate into various development workflows.
  3. Hadolint uses a set of predefined rules to scan Dockerfiles and provides warnings or errors whenever a violation is detected.
  4. The tool covers a wide range of potential issues, including deprecated instructions, incorrect usage of arguments, invalid tag names, inefficient image layering, and much more.
  5. As a configurable tool, Hadolint allows users to customize the linting rules by creating their own rule sets, enabling flexibility according to project requirements.
  6. It supports different output formats, including plain text, JSON, or GitHub Actions annotations, making it convenient to integrate with various CI/CD pipelines or development tools.
  7. Hadolint can be used both locally and in a CI/CD workflow to automatically scan and enforce Dockerfile standards, preventing issues from getting into production environments.
  8. It supports linting of multi-stage builds, helping to ensure efficient and secure image builds by optimizing layers and reducing image size.
  9. Hadolint has a large community following and is actively maintained, which ensures regular updates and keeps it aligned with the evolving best practices in the Docker ecosystem.
  10. By using Hadolint, developers and operators can promote consistency and quality in Docker image creation, leading to more reliable and secure containerized applications.

List of commands for hadolint:

  • hadolint:tldr:5d5b2 hadolint: Lint multiple Dockerfiles using specific trusted registries.
    $ hadolint --trusted-registry ${docker-io} --trusted-registry ${example-com}:${5000} ${path-to-Dockerfile} ${path-to-another-Dockerfile}
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  • hadolint:tldr:80eaa hadolint: Lint a Dockerfile.
    $ hadolint ${path-to-Dockerfile}
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  • hadolint:tldr:81917 hadolint: Lint a Dockerfile ignoring specific rules.
    $ hadolint --ignore ${DL3006} --ignore ${DL3008} ${path-to-Dockerfile}
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  • hadolint:tldr:d92c3 hadolint: Lint a Dockerfile, displaying the output in JSON format.
    $ hadolint --format ${json} ${path-to-Dockerfile}
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tool overview