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handbrakecli: Resize a video file to 320x240.
$ handbrakecli --input ${input-mp4} --output ${output-mp4} --width 320 --height 240
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This command is using the HandBrakeCLI tool to convert a video file. Let me break it down for you:

  • handbrakecli: This is the name of the command-line tool used to run HandBrake.
  • --input ${input-mp4}: This specifies the input file for the conversion. ${input-mp4} is a placeholder for the actual file name or file path.
  • --output ${output-mp4}: This determines the output file name or file path after the conversion. ${output-mp4} is a placeholder for the desired name or path of the resulting file.
  • --width 320 --height 240: These parameters indicate the desired width and height for the output video, in this case, 320 pixels width and 240 pixels height.

Overall, this command takes a video file designated by ${input-mp4}, converts it using the HandBrakeCLI tool, and saves the resulting file with the specified dimensions, named or located according to ${output-mp4}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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