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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool handbrakecli. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Handbrakecli is a command line tool used for video conversion and compression purposes.

  1. It is the command line version of Handbrake, a popular open-source video transcoder.
  2. Handbrakecli operates without a graphical user interface, making it suitable for automation and scripting.
  3. It can be used to convert videos from one format to another, supporting a wide range of input and output formats, including popular ones like MP4, MKV, AVI, and more.
  4. The tool provides various video customization options such as adjusting resolution, frame rate, bit rate, and aspect ratio.
  5. It also offers audio customization features like choosing audio codec, sample rate, and bitrate.
  6. Handbrakecli allows users to perform video filters and adjustments, such as cropping, scaling, deinterlacing, and more.
  7. It includes several built-in presets for quick and easy conversion, suitable for different devices like smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, and more.
  8. Users can create their own customized presets to optimize video conversions based on their specific requirements.
  9. Handbrakecli supports multi-threading, enabling faster video encoding and conversion by utilizing multiple CPU cores.
  10. The tool is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, making it versatile and widely accessible for users across different platforms.

List of commands for handbrakecli:

  • handbrakecli:tldr:45057 handbrakecli: Resize a video file to 320x240.
    $ handbrakecli --input ${input-mp4} --output ${output-mp4} --width 320 --height 240
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  • handbrakecli:tldr:66387 handbrakecli: Convert an AVI video to MP4 using the Android preset.
    $ handbrakecli --preset="Android" --input ${input-ext} --output ${output-mp4}
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  • handbrakecli:tldr:90341 handbrakecli: Print the content of a DVD, getting the CSS keys in the process.
    $ handbrakecli --input ${-dev-sr0} --title 0
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  • handbrakecli:tldr:cd7f0 handbrakecli: Rip the first track of a DVD in the specified device. Audiotracks and subtitle languages are specified as lists.
    $ handbrakecli --input ${-dev-sr0} --title 1 --output ${out-mkv} --format av_mkv --encoder x264 --subtitle ${1,4,5} --audio ${1,2} --aencoder copy --quality ${23}
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  • handbrakecli:tldr:ebe0c handbrakecli: Convert a video file to MKV (AAC 160kbit audio and x264 CRF20 video).
    $ handbrakecli --input ${input-avi} --output ${output-mkv} --encoder x264 --quality 20 --ab 160
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  • handbrakecli:tldr:f7208 handbrakecli: List available presets.
    $ handbrakecli --preset-list
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