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handbrakecli: Rip the first track of a DVD in the specified device. Audiotracks and subtitle languages are specified as lists.
$ handbrakecli --input ${-dev-sr0} --title 1 --output ${out-mkv} --format av_mkv --encoder x264 --subtitle ${1,4,5} --audio ${1,2} --aencoder copy --quality ${23}
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This command is using the "handbrakecli" tool to convert a video file. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "handbrakecli": Refers to the command-line version of the HandBrake video converter program.


  • "--input ${-dev-sr0}": Specifies the input file to be converted. The file is located at the device "/dev/sr0". The "${-dev-sr0}" part seems to be a variable placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the input file.

  • "--title 1": Specifies the title or chapter of the input file to be converted. In this case, it selects title 1.

  • "--output ${out-mkv}": Sets the output file name and location. The "${out-mkv}" part suggests that the output file name should be replaced with the variable "out-mkv".

  • "--format av_mkv": Sets the output format to "av_mkv", which refers to an MKV (Matroska) container format.

  • "--encoder x264": Specifies the video encoder to be used, which is x264. It is a widely used video codec.

  • "--subtitle ${1,4,5}": Selects particular subtitle tracks to include in the output. The "${1,4,5}" part suggests that the variable represents multiple tracks, and here, tracks 1, 4, and 5 are selected.

  • "--audio ${1,2}": Selects specific audio tracks to include in the output. The "${1,2}" part suggests that tracks 1 and 2 are selected.

  • "--aencoder copy": Specifies the audio encoder to be used, which is set to "copy". This means the audio stream will be copied as is, without any re-encoding.

  • "--quality ${23}": Sets the video quality for the output. The "${23}" part indicates there might be a variable "23" representing the desired quality level.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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