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handbrakecli: Convert a video file to MKV (AAC 160kbit audio and x264 CRF20 video).
$ handbrakecli --input ${input-avi} --output ${output-mkv} --encoder x264 --quality 20 --ab 160
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This command is using the handbrakecli utility to convert a video file from AVI format to MKV format using the x264 encoder with a quality level of 20 and an audio bitrate of 160 kilobits per second.

  • handbrakecli is the command to run the HandBrake Command Line Interface, which is a video converter tool.
  • --input ${input-avi} specifies the input video file. The ${input-avi} is a variable that should be replaced with the actual AVI file path.
  • --output ${output-mkv} specifies the output video file. The ${output-mkv} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired MKV file path.
  • --encoder x264 selects the x264 encoder, which is a popular video compression algorithm known for its good quality-to-size ratio.
  • --quality 20 sets the desired video quality level. The value can range from 1 (lowest) to 51 (highest), with 20 being a moderate quality level.
  • --ab 160 sets the audio bitrate to 160 kilobits per second. This determines the audio quality and file size.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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